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Tell us something about you.

My name is Sherlock Holmes. My job is to discover everything

what other people don’t know.

Why u live in England?

In England i don’t have cousins, well i was free with 11 shillings

and four pennies.

What’s your business?

Im detective, if u understand. Here in London are too many

private and country detectives.

What’s your secret of the success mr. Holmes?

People often watch , but they don’t think about what they

see, for example every day we go on same stairs but we

don’t know how many stairs are there.

How do u know when someone lied to you?

When you want to hide something truth is in details. Everything in our life we are looking the same way.

How do you know people so well?

Observing people means observing human.

What’s the favorite part of your job?

I only read criminal criticism. Murders are my favorite.

How much dr Watson helps you?

In job or in life it’s good to have someone. Two heads ARE smarter than one.

What do you want to tell to our readers?

When danger is coming everyone will close their eyes but they aren’t brave, they are stupid.                     


Nikola Mojsilović,  I/1

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