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Literary characters

We wanted to bring some interesting characters from English  Literature, closer to you so we chose some we thought you should, probably, have heard for. Or, have read about. Which would be even better. 

Robinson  Crusoe

Robinson Crusoe  is a novel by Daniel Defoe ,first published on 25 April 1719.The first edition credited the work s protagonist Robinson Crusoe as it is author ,leadings many readers to believe he was a real person and the book travelogue of true incidents.It is generally seen as a contender for the first English novel.











Boy Robinson lived with his parents in England. He wanted when he grew up to be a sailor and travelled the world. One day his father told him he wanted to become a trader and to continue the job he started. Robinson accepted it, but while the goods were sold, he always thought where she came from and how much  time she had crossed.

One day he met a friend who was on his way to London. A friend invited him to come with him. Robinson agreed, but he was afraid to tell his parents. He landed and sailed into the unknown. On the way, they were caught in a storm. Robinson was very scared and went to his cabin. In the morning when the storm settled, they arrived in London. Robinson then forgave his friend.

Walking in the city, he met a sailor who offered him  to go back to his father for free. After a long sailing, they saw a black dot in the distance. That point was a pirate ship. They sailed and started full force, but the pirates got them. The robins were taken into robbery. There was a strong storm over the road. The ship sank. Robinson woke up on a deserted island. He first tried to find a hideout. At the top of a hill there was a cave. Robinson decided to stick to her. He wanted to know  the days, he made the calendar and cut a line for every day on the tree. He ate corn and drank water from a spring near his cave.


From the leaves he made clothes, sandals, hat and sack. The next day he went hunting. He caught one goat and brought it home. He gasped his skin and began to eat raw meat, but he was not tasty, so he decided to put the meat on hot sand. The sun was so strong that the flesh was half-knit. She fell on the night and Robinson decided to sleep, he lay on a straw and fell asleep. Around midnight a heavy rain started. One thunder struck near his cave and he was very scared. When he came out, he saw that the tree was burning in front of his cave. He was happy, because when he saw the fire it was a great discovery, because now he will be able to eat roast meat and heat at night. He woke up sick in the morning. He thought that now at home, his mother would have tea for him, and it would be nice to him. Suddenly the earth began to shake. The volcano worked out and threw a glowing lion. Soon the weather calmed down. He planted trees around the house, and he had a yard, tried to make both table and chairs, so he decided to build a cellar  to store food. After some time Robinson decided to make a boat.


                                                    ROBINSON IS PREPARING A SHELTER

He decided to try the ship. The straw was strong and wore it all the more. He barely managed to get out. In the distance, he saw a boat approaching the island. The boom was strong and the ship began to sink. The next day he went to the ship and there he saw a dog who was the only survivor of the shipwreck. Robinson took the dog with him and gave him the name Jack.


















One day he heard a strong noise from the coast. When he looked, he was scared because the men had come to the island. They led a savage. The savage jumped and ran away. Two fighter jeans followed him. Robinson helped the savage and saved him from the fighter. After it was Friday, Robinson gave  the savage name, Friday. Friday was initially cautious. Robinson took him to the cave and taught him English. Friday and Robinson talked about fighter jets.

In the morning,  Friday and Robinson took guns, pistols, gunpowder and guns from that ship. The savages returned to the island again, but now Friday and Robinson were armed. They shot once from the cannon and they all fled, only in one boat remained an old man who could not move. Friday ran to the boat and began to grumble the old man because it was his father Thursday. He headed for help to another island. Robinson and Friday saw in the distance a boat that approached the island. The next day a savage came and said that Friday's father died. Friday was grieved. The ship that came was European.                                 

Friday and Robinson went on their way. When they arrived in England, Robinson went home to find his father. After greetings, Robinson asked him where his mother was, but he answered that she had died. When the winter came, Friday was surprised, because he had never seen snow before and was constantly at the stove. Robinson and Friday continued to live together.

Robinson Crusoe managed to overcome his difficulties with courage  and endurance, and he remained a cheerful and healthy man who never ceased to hope for his rescue and return to normal life. On a deserted island, Robinson grew up in a naive boy in a very resourceful and a responsible man. He realized that young people should always listen to the advice of the elderly, that money and wealth are worth nothing and that some of the small and insignificant things that surround you sometimes are the most valuable. He saw that  there is always good and bad in everything, and that when people lose something, they realize how true it is.


No matter how difficult and uncertain the situation was, one must look for a way out of it and be persistent in all the pain and effort.      

Nevena Glišić   I/1 





Eliza Doolittle


About writer:

George Bernard Shaw, known as Bernard Shaw, was an Irish playwright. He wrote more than sixty plays, including Pygmalion. Pygmalion was written by him in early  1912. He became famous dramatist. In 1925. he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

About Eliza:

Eliza Doolittle is the main role in the play Pygmalion. She is a simple, flower girl who doesn’t good-mannered. She speaks and behave very ugly, but she doesn’t mind. One rainy day, Eliza met phonetics professor who noticed her talk.  She went to him to learn how to become a lady. Every beginning is very hard, so it wasn’t so successful. Elize repeated constantly “ I’m a good girl.” Sometimes, she doesn’t want to pretend that she is someone different, but we all know that if we work hard, we can do everything. Although she was a girl from street, she had unused quality. She practiced every day and every night until she became a polite girl. Sometimes, she is argumentative, but Eliza is unassuming, she doesn’t need expensive things to be happy. She loves chocolate and warm home. Мr. Higgins, her professor was an educated man, because of that he treated her like a trash. The result of their work wasn’t just his success, it was common. She decided to leave him, because he didn’t respect her. Mr. Higgins thought that he would never need a woman, but he couldn’t fight with feelings. She became a part of him.


If you want to find out more about this, I recommend you a film “My fair lady”.







     Harry Potter ​   


Harry first appears in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Starting in 1981, when Harry was just one year old, his parents, James and Lily, were murdered by the most powerful Dark Wizard, Lord Voldemort. He attempted to kill Harry too, but was unsuccessful and only left a lightning bolt shaped scar on Harry's forehead. Voldemort's body was destroyed, but his soul was not. Harry later learns that the reason why he survived was because his mother sacrificed herself for him, and her love was something that Voldemort could not destroy. On his eleventh birthday in 1991, Harry learns he is a wizard when Rubeus Hagrid arrives to tell him that he is to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There he learns about the wizarding world, his parents, and his connection to the Dark Lord. When he is sorted into Gryffindor House, he becomes fast friends with classmates Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, and foils Voldemort's attempt to steal the Philosopher's Stone. He also forms a rivalry with characters Draco Malfoy, a classmate from an elitist wizarding family, and the cold, condescending Potions master, Severus Snape, Draco's mentor and the head of Slytherin House.

           ~ Harry’s owl HedwigJ

Outward appearance

      Throughout the series, Harry is described as having his father's perpetually untidy black hair, his mother's bright green eyes, and a lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead. He is further described as "small and skinny for his age" with "a thin face" and "knobbly knees", and he wears round eyeglasses. In the first book, his scar is described as "the only thing Harry liked about his own appearance".



      Harry is strongly guided by his own conscience, and has a keen feeling of what is right and wrong. Having "very limited access to truly caring adults", Rowling said, Harry "is forced to make his own decisions from an early age on." He "does make mistakes", she conceded, but in the end, he does what his conscience tells him to do. According to Rowling, one of Harry's pivotal scenes came in the fourth book when he protects his dead schoolmate Cedric Diggory's body from Voldemort, because it shows he is brave and selfless.


Magical abilities and skills

    Throughout the series, Harry Potter is described as a gifted wizard apprentice. He has a particular talent for flying, which manifests itself in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone the first time he tries it, and gets him a place on a Quidditch team one year before the normal minimum joining age. He captains it in his sixth year. In his fourth year (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire), Harry is able to confront a dragon on his broomstick. Harry also had the unusual ability to speak and understand "Parseltongue", a language associated with Dark Magic. This, it transpires, is because he harbours a piece of Voldemort's soul. He loses this ability after the part of Voldemort's soul inside him is destroyed at the end of The Deathly Hallows.



     In the novels, Harry is the only child of James and Lily Potter, orphaned as an infant. Rowling made Harry an orphan from the early drafts of her first book. She felt an orphan would be the most interesting character to write about. However, after her mother's death, Rowling wrote Harry as a child longing to see his dead parents again, incorporating her own anguish into him. Harry is categorised as a "half-blood" wizard in the series, because although both his parents were magical, Lily was "Muggle-born", and James was a pure-blood.


 Daniel Radcliffe is known for playing protagonist in Harry Potter film series.

   Ljubica Ljubić, I-1



People settled the territory of Great Britain and Northern Ireland about 30 000 years ago. The population belonged to a culture called the ,, Island Celtic Culture’’, which included British Britain and Gels Ireland. Most areas inhabited by Anglo-Saxons were united in the Kingdom of England in the 10th century. The Gaelic people in north western Britain united themselves with the Picts and founded the Kingdom of Scotland in the 9th century. Wales was fully integrated into the Kingdom of England at the beginning of the 16th century. Each state remained a separate political legal and religious institution.


1.Robin Hood

,, Robin Hood ’’ is a central and legendary hero of a series of medieval English ballads. In the earliest  written sources from the mid-15th century, it is described as a devouring  a reedy robber. According to medieval ballads, Robin Hood, along with Little John and Will Scarlet lived hidden in in Sherwood Forest near Notting ham. It wasn’t established whether Robin Hood was real historical figure.


,, Hamlet’’ is the tragedy of William Shakespeare, one of his most famous and most executed tragedies on stage around the world. ,, Hamlet’’ is a noble figure, sensitive to injustice, and the Spirit promises quick vengeance, but at the same time he doubts and

postpones  it’s execution.

3.Oliver Twist

,, Oliver  Twist ’’ is one of the most famous novels of a significant English author Charles Dickens. This novel is unique because  it  is considered the first English novel with the child as the main character. Oliver Twist- the main character of this novel  had blond hair and was gentle, fragile material. Al- though his life from the very beginning was sad, he remained honest. Often, his honesty could have been replaced with naivety.

4.Elizabeth Bennett

,, Elizabeth Bennett ’’ is a protagonist of the novel  ,, Pride  and Prejudice’’. Elizabeth is considered one of the greatest heroines of British but also of world literature, because of her eccentricity. Jane Austen described Elizabeth  as  ,, The miraculous  creature that appeared in the press’’.


5.Romeo and Juliet

The main characters in tragedy are Romeo and Juliet.

Romeo  is 17 years old, he is of noble birth. Educated from a senior nobility .  His analysis  tell us that he is a loyal friend, devoted, sociable and open. Of  loving  nature, naive and brave.

Juliet is 14 years old, aristocratic descent.  Of exceptional beauty.  Loyal,  imaginative , brave, emotional, obedient until the person was endangered.

    Those were the young hero and heroine  - whose families,      the  Montagues and the Capulets , are implacable enemies and such they have become the representative type of star – crossed lovers.

Izabela Andrejic  i Kristina Petrovic     I/1


                                                             Alice in Wonderland


Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (commonly shortened to Alice in Wonderland) is an 1865 novel written by English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll.

Lewis Carroll, was an English writer of world-famous children's fiction, notably Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel Through the Looking-Glass. He was noted for his facility at word play, logic and fantasy. The poems Jabberwocky and The Hunting of the Snark are classified in the genre of literary nonsense. He was also a mathematician, photographer, and Anglican deacon.


Lewis Carrol

Alice – The seven-year-old protagonist of the story. Alice believes that the world is orderly and stable, and she has an isatiable curiosity about her surroundings. Wonderland challenges and frustrates her perceptions of the world. Alice’s stay in the country of miracles is fantastic. These are two worlds: Before entering the hare hole and after. Fantasy in the game has no limits. Every event has fantasiest in itself. Each event is displayed picturesque. Alice says: “I almost regret that I came down to this rabbit hole, but it’s still interesting.”



When writing on her personality in “Alice on the Stage”, Caroll described her as loving and gentle, courteous to all, trustful, and widely curious, and with the eager enjoyment of Life that comes only in the happy hours of childhood, when all is new and fair, and when Sin and Sorrow are but names- empty words signifying nothing. Commentators characterise her as innocent, imaginative, introspective, generally well-mannered, critical of authority figures, and clever. Others see less positive traits in Alice, writing that she frequently shows unkindness in her conversations with the animals in Wonderland. Alice has been identified as a cultural icon. She has been described as a departure from the usual nineteenth-century child protagonist, and the success of the two Alice books inspired numerous sequels, parodies, and imitations, with protagonists similar to Alice in temperament. Alice placed on a 2015. British survey of the top twenty favorite characters in children’s literature.


Interesting fact:

1. The real “Alice” did not think the book was unusual. Lidel sisters found a lot of similarities with the right people and characters in the book. For example, they compared their art teacher with a turtle in a book.

2. The book had a completely different name. Carrol wanted the book to be called “Alice’s Adventures in the Land of the Dwarves”, then “Alice’s Adventures in the Underworld”.

3. The original manuscript can be found in London. The manuscript is actually called “Alice’s Underground Adventures” and can be found in the British Library.

 Antonela Jeremic I/1


The Hobbit or There and Back Again is a children fantasy novel by English author J. R. R. Tolkien. It was published on 21 September 1937 to wide critical acclaim, being nominated for the Carnegie Medal and awarded a prize from the New York Herald tribune for best juvenile fiction. The book remains popular and is recognized as a classic in children's literature.


John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (3 January 1892 – 2 September 1973) was an English writer, poet, psychologist, and academic  who is best known as the author of the classic high fantasy works The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and the Silmarillion.

The Hobbit is set within Tolkien's fictional universe and follows the quest of home-loving hobbit Bilbo Baggins to win a share of the treasure guarded by Smaug the dragon. Bilbo's journey takes him from light-hearted, rural surroundings into more sinister territory.

The story is told in the form of an episodic quest, and most chapters introduce a specific creature or type of creature of Tolkien's geography. Bilbo gains a new level of maturity, competence, and wisdom by accepting the disreputable, romantic, fey, and adventurous sides of his nature and applying his wits and common sense. The story reaches its climax in the Battle of the Five Armies, where many of the characters and creatures from earlier chapters re-emerge to engage in conflict.


Cover of the 1937 first edition, from a drawing by Tolkien.




Bilbo Baggins was a Hobbit of the Shire, the main protagonist of The Hobbit and a secondary character in The Lord of the Rings. Bilbo was one of the bearers of the One Ring, and the first to voluntarily give it up, although with some difficulty. He wrote many of his adventures in a book he called There and Back Again. Bilbo was the first Hobbit to become famous in the world at large, and was one of the few to visit the The Undying Lands across the ocean.  Bilbo adopted Frodo Baggins to be his heir after his parents, Drogo Baggins and Primula Brandybuck, drowned in the Brandywine River.

*He is possibly named after a type of sword popularly used in the 16th century (which is also called Bilbo).

Bilbo Baggins was born on September 22 by Shire (around September 12-14 of our calendar), in the year 2890 of the Third Age. He was the only son of Bung Baggins and Belladonna Took.

In Hobbiton, Bungo Baggins constructed a spacious and luxurious Hobbit-hole for Belladonna, which they named Bag End. The family moved to their new home, where Bilbo would spend much of his life. As a young Hobbit, Bilbo was curious and eager for news of the outside world. The Istar wizard, Gandalf, took interest in this unusual quality in Bilbo during his visits to the Shire. Bilbo would later remember Gandalf's Firework displays in the dwelling of his mother's family at Great Smials. Bilbo apparently practiced his rock-throwing skills in his youth so much, that birds and squirrels fled the area whenever he bent down to pick up a rock. (Gandalf "Elf of the Wand" the Grey, later known as Gandalf the White, and originally named Olórin "Dreamer"  was an Istar (wizard), sent by the West in the Third Age to combat the threat of Sauron).



A young Bilbo upon first meeting Gandalf. 

Also The Hobbit is a film series  consisting of three high fantasy adventure films directed by Peter Jackson.




Bilbo was a very friendly and well-mannered hobbit fond of food, drink, a full pipe, his friends and good cheer, and was known for greeting strangers and friends with hospitality saying; "At your service and your family's." Being related to both the Tooks and the Baggins, two family groups that were fundamentally opposite in their mentalities, with the Tooks being more fond of adventures and wandering, and the Baggins being more fond of the settled life, Bilbo had two different sides to him, something he referred to as the "Took side" and the "Baggins side". This meant that he secretly relished having adventures but still wanted to remain settled and was very afraid. 

Bilbo Baggins quotes 

“I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.”

“Sorry! I don’t want any adventures, thank you. Not Today. Good morning! But please come to tea – any time you like! Why not tomorrow? Good bye!”

“Bother burgling and everything to do with it! I wish I was at home in my nice hole by the fire, with the kettle just beginning to sing!”


Anita Vasić I/1


Oscar Wilde was born on October 16. 1854 in Dublin in Ireland.                                            

●English novelist, the talented speaker in his only novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, openly and critically stood up against hypocrisy and amoral, causing sharp criticism. This novel can also be accessed as a single crime story, which is what it is both for a curse and purpose. Dorian Gray, a criminal, was created at the same time as Sherlock Holmes: during a dinner where Oscar Wilde and Conan Doyle accepted the offer of an American publisher to write each one of the novels.


●The action takes place in London, at the end of the XIX century.


●Dorian Gray is the main character in the novel "Image of Dorian Gray" written by Oscar Wilde.


●In the art studio, the rich Dorian Gray poses to the painter Basil. He dreamed that this portrait would grow old instead. In the end, he loses the struggle for eternal youth, goes away as a slave.

● As the author Oscar Wilde illustrated artfully, painting, or portrait, Dorian Gray shows the state of his soul. One that is sacked by sins. The one whose light is corrupted, desecrated by unholy pleasures.


Petrović Kristina

Andrejić Izabela 1/1

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